October is Respect Life Month in the Diocese of Orange and throughout the United States. The mission of this special month is to focus on the protection of life, from conception to natural death, and the dignity of the human person.
From abortion (beginning of life), assisted suicide (end of life), foster care, homelessness, human trafficking, migration, care for creation, and the death penalty, respecting life is multi-faceted.
In conjunction with our diocesan Respect Life Month campaign for October, Bishop Kevin Vann has designated Oct. 6 as Respect Life Sunday. On this day the diocese will celebrate its 25th-annual Pennies from Heaven campaign. Pennies from Heaven supports mothers-to-be who experience unplanned pregnancies.
The week of Oct. 14 -18 has been designated as Respect Life Week. This week-long event celebrates what makes us Catholic; a total appreciation for life. A new Respect Life Week website for the Diocese of Orange was recently launched that provides resources for students, parents, teachers and youth ministers . Parishes are also welcome to use this resource for their ministries. Visit: respectlifeweek.com/orange
The Whole Person Care Initiative is a comprehensive approach to caring for the sick and dying spearheaded by Catholic healthcare, the Catholic Church, community health care providers, and public health leaders. This effort seeks to remake how our healthcare system addresses death and dying and lays out a vision for a network of care that addresses both the physical and spiritual dimensions of care.
As a continuation of the Whole Person Care Initiative, our diocese has been hosting the following event at various parishes: Care, Prepare, Connect. The event consists of a showing of a brief but powerful film called ”End Game,” a panel discussion that addresses questions about suffering and end-of-life ethics, accessing quality care, discussions about advance care planning, and accompaniment and caring pastorally in our parish communities. The event models conversations about care and helping every person to know that they are loved, wanted, and worthy through the end of life’s journey. To host this event at your parish, please contact Alejandra Luna at aluna@rcbo.org, (714) 282-6029.