I am looking forward to welcoming all to our “I AM” Congress on Oct. 20 and 21.
This will be an important occasion to strengthen our personal relationship with the Lord and the bonds of Faith with one another! I would suggest that we take some time to view both Pope Saint John Paul II and Pope Francis in their Eucharistic processions and prayers.
Remember that the Eucharist is “both/and” not “either/or”! Our relationship with the Lord in the Eucharist strengthens the bonds of faith with one another. The “I AM” Congress will do just that for us! Our “I AM” days, reflecting the initiative of our Bishop’s Conference, brings us communion with the National Eucharistic Congress next July in Indianapolis.
Again, I look forward to greeting you personally at our “I AM” Congress. Prayers for you all in these beautiful days of Autumn.
Gratefully Yours in Our Eucharistic Lord,
Bishop Kevin Vann