Bishop Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of Orange, has been elected by the California Catholic Conference of Bishops as its Secretary/Treasurer
Edward “Ned” Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference said: “Bishop Vann has shown a keen interest in public policy since he moved to the Diocese of Orange from Texas. He has been particularly instrumental in campaigns to promote mental health and opposition to legalized physician-assisted suicide, but he has been very help on a wide range of topics.” Dolejsi continued, “His increased role will bring energy and enthusiasm to the many critical life and dignity issues we face in California.”
Dolejsi expressed thanks to Bishop Richard Garcia, the former secretary/treasurer, who just finished six years of committed leadership and who will continue as co-chair of the CCC Restorative Justice Committee.
“California is blessed to have many fine leaders in people like Bishop Garcia and Bishop Vann,” Dolejsi said.