

The “Drum Major Award” was presented to the bishop, recognizing his efforts to promote tolerance

By Staff     2/1/2018

Diocese of Orange Bishop Kevin Vann was lauded recently for his efforts to advance tolerance and equality. He, along with OC Register Columnist David Whiting and Information Management Resources CEO Martha Daniel, received recognition from Christ Our Redeemer Church as they were awarded the Martin Luther King Jr. “Drum Major Award.”

Rev. Mark E. Whitlock, Jr., Senior Minister at Christ Our Redeemer awarded the “Drum Major Award” to Bishop Vann during an interfaith service at the Irvine church on Sunday, Jan. 14, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

“Bishop Kevin Vann is creating the reflection of Dr. Martin Luther King’s ‘Beloved Community,’” Pastor Whitlock said. “The Beloved Community is a place where racism, sexism and any form of discrimination is not tolerated.” He continued, “Bishop Vann has sought a closer relationship with Christ Our Redeemer AME Church in Irvine, CA. He has called for prayer following the Mother Emanuel AME Church (Charleston, SC) killing of nine people. He has invited me to preach at St. Columban Catholic Church. We continue to meet monthly for prayer.”

The national service award is intended to recognize those who selflessly work to serve others, but are not seeking the spotlight for doing so, according to the Corporation for National Community Service, a federal agency and the nation’s largest grantmaker for service and volunteering.