St. Joachim Catholic Church & School in Costa Mesa held their first parish picnic on Sunday, Oct. 10. Parishioners, school families and Neocatechumate members were invited to enjoy a relaxing afternoon, building community together on a beautiful day. The day included a Rosary Walk around campus for the kids, tacos made by the parish Comite Hispano group and burgers and hotdogs grilled by the Knights of Columbus. The St. Vincent de Paul Society collected donations of non-perishable food, and the parish nurse ran a free flu shot clinic.
A raffle for “Dinner with the Priests” was held and all donations collected at the event went to the parish capital campaign to build a new restroom building. Over $2,000 was raised. Music was provided by church musicians, including members of the parish Mariachi Jovenes group and the parish music director accompanied by his Irish band.

Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Ladera Ranch will host a Rosary Rally on Oct. 24 at 2 p.m. to honor life as God intended. There will a blessing of the Rosaries, followed by a human Rosary chain on the west lawn of the church. The event will be filmed from an overhead drone.
How does your parish or school celebrate the season of Advent? Perhaps you’re hosting an Advent speaker- series, your youth group has a project they would like to share, or your choir is preparing a Christmas performance. OC Catholic wants to know all about it!
The Diocese of Orange newspaper will feature five parishes/schools this coming Advent season, and you can be part of it! The feature could involve the newspaper sending a photographer, writer and/or videographer to capture the preparation of the coming of Jesus.
If your campus has something unique and exciting planned, please let the paper know about it by emailing Patricia Mahoney, OC Catholic editor. The paper plans its coverage several weeks ahead of time, so please send us your tips by Nov. 1.