


This is the latest in an irregular series of profiles of religious communities that live and minister in the Diocese of Orange. The profiles are compiled by Sister Eymard Flood, O.S.C., the Vicar for Consecrated Life for the Diocese of Orange.


Year Founded: 1945

Name of Founder: Blessed Maria Ines Teresa of the Blessed Sacrament

Country of Foundation: Mexico

Charism: Missionary work

Apostolic Works: Missionary activities in Christian and non-Christian countries, pastoral and catechetical work, health care, education of children and young adults, retreat houses and boarding homes.

Represented in the following countries: Mexico, Japan, United States, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Sierra Leone, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Nigeria, Korea, India, Russia and Argentina.

USA contact: Sister Susana Guzman, MC; srguzman@yahoo.com; (714) 554-8850

Brief History: The congregation was founded in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the center of the life of the congregation and their patroness is Our Lady of Guadalupe. Joyfulness characterizes the community: “From the moment she rises up…the heart and soul of the Poor Clare Missionary sister is like a harmonious harp, and vibrates for her God.” (Blessed Mother Maria Ines)

The sisters serve in 14 countries with 64 houses where they carry on their ministry among Christians and non-Christians by catechesis, pastoral work, direct evangelization, outpatient clinics, hospitals, nursery schools, schools and university residences. The apostolate is driven by the desire of the founder: “That everyone may know and love you is the only reward I seek.”

In the United States, the sisters are present in the Diocese of Orange, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and the Diocese of Cape-Girardeau in Missouri.