From the Bishop


This reflection by Bishop Vann was written on the Solemnity of the Passion of Saint John the Baptist.

By The Most Rev. Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of Orange     9/6/2019

I  made my first Cursillo “way back” in l975 at Our Lady of Angels Seminary in Quincy, Illinois. A good number of the friars from then-Quincy College were on the weekend trip.   

The experience of the Cursillo weekend was a very important time in my discernment and decision to enter the seminary the following year, in 1976. The next involvement with Cursillo in Fort Worth, Texas, in my years there, often involved the Spanish-speaking weekends and Ultreyas, both parochial and interparochial. Those encounters truly helped to shape me and form me as the Diocesan Bishop.   

And then here in the Diocese of Orange I was able to be present on an entire weekend several years ago, and I have been blessed to be present for Mananitas and Sunday Masses and Confessions, as well.   

The ability to share and pray together with the men and women of Cursillo, and to see the life-changing experience it is for so many involved in Diocesan ministry here in our Diocese, is a blessing for me personally and a chance to walk with those whose lives have been transformed by Christ in the “Little Course” on Christianity.